

Environmental Panorama
November of 2012

Posted on 28 November 2012 | Poaching of rhinos and elephants has risen so sharply in Africa that the fate of the species are now at risk. Tens of thousands of elephants and at least 588 rhinos have lost their lives in 2012.

“The rhino faces extinction within 10 years if we do not reverse this trend,” says Dr Joseph Okori, WWF's African Rhino Programme leader.

In South Africa several rhinos are killed every day for their horns.

“Villagers are at the bottom of the chain and can earn several months income through two or three days of poaching. Huge amounts of money is in circulation,” says wildlife vet Okori, who has worked on the protection of endangered species all his life.

Behind the rhino poaching boom is an increasing demand from Asia, primarily Viet Nam. Ivory consumption has risen in step with economic growth in Asia. Large amounts of illegal ivory is reaching markets in Thailand and China.

Demand for rhino horn has become so strong that criminal syndicates have plundered antique shops and museums in Europe for old horns.

“In Vietnam appliances that grind rhinoceros horns are sold for around $450,”said Joseph Okori.

To reverse the escalating poaching and to stop the illegal trade, a range of measures are required, Okori says. The demand in consumer countries must decrease sharply, and world leaders must acknowledge that wildlife trafficking as a serious crime.

Establishing trust and engaging in dialogue between authorities and village residents is also necessary to encourage locals to raise the alarm when poaching occurs.

In Namibia, for example, there is a effective information system which is reliant on cooperation with local populations, as well as a well-developed local management scheme which results in the lowest poaching in Africa. Similar ideas have begun to spread to Botswana, South Africa and Zambia, said Okori.

WWF now supports the creation of a compulsory DNA registery for rhinos. There are currently 5,600 rhinos in the database. DNA evidence is invaluable when poachers are arrested and cases are tried in court.

“We welcome the fact that the Swedish government has provided increased support for stricter border control, as well as other measures to combat smuggling and poaching. Both governments and tourists need to take more responsibility. People should absolutely not buy souvenirs from endangered species or carved ivory souvenirs while on holiday,” said Hakan Wirtén, Secretary General of WWF Sweden.

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Major rhino horn trader sentenced to 40 years behind bars

Posted on 09 November 2012 | A Thai national, Chumlong Lemtongthai, has been sentenced to 40 years imprisonment for his involvement in the illegal trade of rhino horns from South Africa.

This is the harshest sentence given for a wildlife crime in the country to-date. Lemongthai pleaded guilty to charges relating to the illegal export of rhino horns in Johannesburg’s Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court earlier this week. WWF-South Africa (WWF-SA) applauds the efforts of the South African Revenue Services and other law enforcement agencies for the successful arrest, prosecution and sentencing of the highest-ranking rhino syndicate member to be brought to book in South Africa.

“It is so important that all those involved in rhino crimes receive sentences which match the severity of their actions to form an effective deterrent to others”, says Dr Jo Shaw, Rhino Co-ordinator for WWF-SA. “These higher-level arrests and convictions are critical to disrupting the illegal trade chains used to move rhino horns into illicit markets in Asia”.

Lemtongthai played a principal role in a syndicate which used white rhino trophy hunts in South Africa to obtain horns to trade in the Asian black markets, a practice known as “pseudo-hunting”. During court proceedings, Lemtongthai confessed that the hunters were a front for exporting rhino horn for commercial trade and not for trophies. His syndicate enlisted people from Asia to pose as hunters and participate in white rhino trophy hunts on game farms in the North West province. In response, the South African government updated legislation to clamp down on such loopholes, including a ban on rhino hunting by Vietnamese Nationals since April 2012.

In a statement to the court, Lemtongthai said, "I humbly apologise to the court and to the people of South Africa for my role in this matter. I appreciate that the emotions of all animal lovers in South Africa are running very high and that I was part of the problem.”

However, it is of concern that all charges against Lemtongthai’s co-accused (three South African and two other Asian nationals) were withdrawn without explanation. Sadly, this does not send a similarly strong message regarding South Africa’s attitude to the ongoing involvement of its own citizens in rhino crimes.

This case and recent rhino poaching incidents in the North West Province highlight the ways in which criminal elements are abusing the permit system in their quest for rhino horn. There remains an urgent need for the South African government to implement a national electronic permit system to centralise and better monitor this information. WWF also calls for greater collaboration between South Africa and Asia in monitoring rhino horn trophy exports to prevent them being drawn into illegal trade.
A record 528 rhinos have been killed in South Africa so far this year.

Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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