

Environmental Panorama
December of 2012

Fri, Dec 14, 2012 - In Moscow, Russian Federation, the five Caspian states have reaffirmed their strong commitment to protect the Caspian marine environment and pledged to maintain close cooperation in addressing common environmental challenges.

Moscow (Russian Federation), 12 December 2012 - The Caspian countries have reached another crucial milestone by adopting and signing one more protocol to the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention) - The Protocol for the Protection of the Caspian Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities (LBSA Protocol).

From 10-12 December 2012, Ministers and high-level government representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan met in Moscow for the Fourth Meeting of the Convention's Conference of the Parties (COP4). The COP was hosted by the Government of the Russian Federation and included representatives from the European Union, UNEP, UNDP, IMO, FAO, and other international observers. This remarkable progress follows the 2011 adoption and signing of the Aktau Protocol on Regional Preparedness, Response and Cooperation in Combating Oil Pollution Incidents, at COP3 in Kazakhstan.

The Caspian environmental process, supported for many years by UNDP, GEF, the European Union and other international donors, led to the signing of the landmark Tehran Convention in 2003 and its entry into force in August 2006. This resulted in increasing cooperation amongst the five Caspian states and comes at a crucial time when the Caspian region is witnessing unprecedented growth in oil and gas exploration, exploitation and transportation.

The signing of the LBSA Protocol in Moscow is an important step forward in the process as it addresses one of the major ecological threats to the Caspian environment and aims to safeguard coasts and waters from the detrimental effects of pollution from land-based sources such as agriculture, industry and urban settlements.

The Moscow COP further laid the groundwork for implementing a sound environmental monitoring and reporting programme in the region, providing for harmonized and regular information and data exchange between the countries.

Assessing the progress achieved by the Caspian States throughout the years, and in particular at COP4, the UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director Mr. Achim Steiner reiterated that: 'Environmental cooperation is an essential basis for the overall economic and social development of the region, a crucial first step on the road to a green economy, equitable management of resources, and a sustainable future for all Caspian states.'

Note to the Editors:

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through its Regional Office for Europe is hosting the Secretariat of the Tehran Convention ad interim, providing Secretariat services to the Convention process.

UNEP has a long history in developing and servicing environmental conventions, contributing to the progressive development and implementation of international environmental law and supporting Member States in meeting their treaty obligations.

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Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and Green Economy in Focus During UNEP Meeting with Government of Russia

Fri, Dec 14, 2012
UNEP Executive Director and Minister for Environment and Natural Resources Discuss Continued Cooperation
UNEP experts are working with the Government of Russia as part of ongoing efforts to strengthen the environmental legacy of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

Moscow, 14 december 2012 - From continued cooperation on the environmental sustainability of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, to the challenges facing the Arctic, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Government of Russia outlined priority areas for collaboration during high-level meetings in Moscow this week.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Sergey Donskoy , and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A.I. Denisov discussed key actions to support biodiversity, freshwater resources and the green economy, among other issues.

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UNEP Sport and the EnvironmentThe discussions took place on the margins the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP4) to the Tehran Convention on the protection of the marine environment of the Caspian Sea.

The Russian government expressed its appreciation for the ongoing engagement of UNEP experts in analyzing environmental impacts of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games.

Last July, UNEP and partners proposed close to 90 projects designed to minimize the impact of infrastructure developments around the Sochi National Park area, where the games will take place.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner offered UNEP's further engagement in greening efforts for Sochi 2014.

Next year marks the 2013 Year of the Environment in Russia, with a series of events due to be held across the country.

"At the outset of the Russia's G20 presidency and ahead of next year's special focus on the environment, UNEP is supporting efforts in Russia to open new work streams for addressing environmental challenges and opportunities, as part of the country's regional and global responsibilities and leadership," said Achim Steiner at the meeting.

Achim Steiner also thanked the Government of Russia for its recent decision to increase its contribution to the UNEP Environment Fund to US$1.5 million, starting in 2013, and underlined Russia's efforts towards the implementation of the Global Environment Facility's Arctic Agenda 2020 Programme.

The programme, launched in 2011, aims to improve the sustainable development of the Arctic and meet the challenges of the region's rapidly changing climate. The initiative addresses energy efficiency, renewable energy development, protected areas, and transboundary marine systems, among other issues.

Other key environmental priorities covered in the meeting included:

support to the development of the "green economy"
the application of "green standards" and of ecologically safe best available technologies;
water resources management, protection of water bodies, marine and coastal environment from the adverse anthropogenic impact;
regulation of the use of chemicals, utilization and processing of wastes;
cooperation for the purposes of further implementation of the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-Building, making use of the Russian expert potential;
sustainable production and consumption;
informing and raising public awareness on environmental protection issues;
implementation of environmental agreements and programs, which exist under the auspices of United Nations.

Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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